Thursday, September 04, 2008

True love turns 50

Andy's 50th birthday is September 5, 2008. In celebration and recognition of all he means to me I submit the following 50 Random Yet Meaningful Things I Love About Andy:

1. He loves the Lord
2. He wakes up early and reads the Bible
3. He is faithful
4. He is trustworthy
5. He does the dishes without being asked
6. He has pretty eyes
7. He watches the Food Network with me
8. He can keep a secret
9. He thinks before he acts
10. He keeps his commitments
11. He thinks I'm a better person than I really am
12. He takes me to B&Bs when he'd rather sleep in a tent
13. He loves our kids -- all of them
14. He is a good brother
15. He is unselfish
16. He likes to solve problems
17. He likes my cooking
18. He is patient
19. He writes poetry
20. He gets my jokes
21. He picks up after himself
22. He picks up after me
23. He likes music
24. He took dancing lessons with me
25. He worked in an ice house -- that's cool!
26. He can tie all kinds of knots
27. He is a good son
28. He treats strangers -- even bill collectors -- with respect
29. He plays backgammon
30. He remembers to take out the trash
31. He takes care of our animals -- even though he said we had to
32. He loves coffee in the mornings
33. He knows how to fix stuff
34. He can help the kids with math and science
35. He is a good guesser
36. He doesn't allow me to be someone I am not
37. He considers me
38. He can build stuff
39. He tries to understand me
40. He remembers the sound tracks from movies
41. He knows what words like "étendue" mean
42. He will watch "chick flicks" with me -- occasionally
43. He stands up for what he believes in
44. He prays with me and for me
45. He still holds my hand
46. He likes the Cowboys
47. He doesn't run from a fight
48. He talks to me about politics
49. He doesn't like bullies
50. He comes home to me every night

Happy birthday, Andy. You are my hero.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A Gift for Jordy

Jordy turns 16 today. She is giggly and joyful. No kidding...she is one happy kid. What lies before her is a life ready to be lived. And she's glad to oblige. She drove away from our house today -- alone -- because she finally has a license to do so. Ready to find what's out there, she waved and gave me a smile that filled my heart.

As she left I asked God to watch over her and keep her safe. Because I know it's risky out there -- danger lurks. But I also know that security in the things of this world is a myth. So I pray that the Lord will do what is good in His sight. What more could a mom ask for? I trust that He has her in His sight. And He is good.

So Jordy, on your birthday, I want to acknowledge who you are to me and give you an important reminder. First, you make me happy -- completely happy. My sweet, sweet child. It is hard to find words to describe how I love you. New words -- that's what I need! Words never used before to illustrate just how wonderful you are.



Unfortunately, new words are just out of my reach. Hmmm. Will you settle for knowing that you smear sunshine all over my heart*?

Now for the reminder...

From Titus 3:

" obedient and ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate and to show true humility toward all men."

I love you, daughter.

*thanks to Johann Wagner for putting those words together so nicely!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Stuff I like...about my family

Stuff White People Like is funny but Stuff Christians Like is hilarious! Check them out for a good laugh.

Those blogs got me thinking about stuff I like. So here's a list of some of the stuff I like about some of the people I love:
  • I like Andy's faithfulness
  • I like Liz's friendliness
  • I like Thomas' sense of responsibility
  • I like Emily's tenacity
  • I like Lindsey's sense of adventure
  • I like Alex's charm
  • I like Jane's romantic nature
  • I like Jordan's sense of humor
  • I like Tristan's sweet disposition

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I am a big loser.

In fact, I am the biggest loser of Start Caring Wellness bootcamp #29! Meaning the pain and suffering paid off nicely.

The scale is not my friend -- never has been. So when I had my official end of bootcamp weigh & measure, I wasn't too surprised to find out I'd only lost 5 lbs. Besides, I set a goal to lose 5 lbs. and met it so that was awesome. But then on the last day of camp, I found out I had the highest body fat % loss -- I lost 6% body fat in five weeks!

Yay me! ♥

Bootcamp was so much fun that I'm doing it again. The schedule has changed a little -- its MWF mornings at 5:15 because there's a yoga class on TTH now. Which I signed up for. So now I get up every morning at 4:45 to go exercise!

It's is. Not only that but Lindsey is doing the yoga class,too. So that makes it even more fun. The yoga class is outside and the field is dark when we start but the sun comes up during class. That's cool.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

O, Misery!

O, Misery, thy name is Shin Splints!

Shin splints? I'm 48 for goodness sakes! What have I gotten myself into?

The back story to my latest adventure is related to donuts. About three years ago I was standing in line at the local donut shop early one Saturday morning. There beside me was a gal in a "Only the Strong Will Survive" bootcamp t-shirt. "Huh?" I thought. Donuts / bootcamp; donuts / bootcamp. What? She confided that the Start Caring bootcamp was awesome and that her fitness instructor would not approve of the donuts. Bummer, I thought.

Fast forward to March 25, 2008, 5:05 am. As I walk across the football field to my first day at bootcamp, scenes of high school drill team fill my mind and I scan the field for those wenches making my life miserable. Wait a second, that was 30 years ago! Ha! I am no longer vulnerable to the cruelty of thinner, trimmer, more coordinated girls wearing pony tails and headbands while doing high kicks and splits.

I am an accomplished woman; a wife, mother and business owner. I can do bootcamp!

Let me just say now that after the first week, the flu-like symptoms have gone away. And while I was convinced only an appendectomy would bring relief from the abdominal pain, that, too has gotten better. Turns out there are muscles in there somewhere! Who knew?

And the more coordinated girls in pony tails and headbands look a lot more like me these days. Sure some of them are thinner and trimmer. Most of them run faster and carry fire hoses further than me. But here's what I've learned after 30 years ... I'm OK. I can do some things and I can't do some things but a limp jog is slightly better than a walk which is significantly better than lying on the couch.

So, for now at least, three days a week I'm off to bootcamp -- which is right past the donut shop.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

How Should I Love?

The following is a poem Andy wrote for me. He gave me permission to publish it here. I think it is wonderful!

How should I love Thee?

As Christ loved the Church –

Freely – with abandon

Of all that does not belong

In “I Love You”

How should I love thee?

As Christ loved the Church –

Completely – and in

That universe contains all


How should I love thee?

As Christ loved the Church –

So sweetly – and in

The few hours remaining

Wash Thy feet

– My Beloved.

God is good all the time

It has been a while since I've posted. I have a nice life that occasionally goes haywire and the older I get the longer it takes me to recover!

What's been going on lately? The holidays were nice. It was a special treat to have our sweet Tristan with us for Thanksgiving and Christmas 2007. I found it interesting that last holiday season we didn't even know we'd have a darling addition to our family. She is a joy. I'll add new pictures soon.

Thomas is out of the Marines. He worked for us for a couple of months and has recently started a new job that seems like a good fit. He is away from home a lot while he is training but will settle in nicely once his routine is established. Liz is staying at home with Tristan and taking classes.

Emily is working for a non-profit organization involved in community development. The project she is currently involved with is the Jubilee Project in Dallas. It is a perfect fit for Emily.

Lindsey has moved back home for a time. She works as a server at Jasper's. It is nice to spend time with her.

Alex is finishing up his studies at UTD and working for us. It's fun to see Alex more often.

Jane is living in Carrollton and working at Williams Sonoma at the Galleria. Perfect place for Jane to work!

Jordan is a freshman at Lake Dallas High School and waiting patiently to start Driver's Ed. Wow!

Andy and I will celebrate our thirteenth wedding anniversary this year and our eleventh year in business together. That's an accomplishment!

My journey with Weight Watchers has been successful. So far I've lost 30lbs and I'm feeling so much better. The best part is -- I think I might stick with it this time for a true lifestyle change...there I've said it in the whole world can keep me accountable!

I've been attending BTCL classes taught by Janis Saville. It has been such a blessing. God is faithful and good and loving and just.